As a results-driven agency, we’re always looking for ways to deliver solutions for our clients that are better, faster, smarter. In the case of digital retail advertising for Honda, we adopted a more templated approach and integrated automation to enhance production efficiency. The implementation of a Creative Management Platform (CMP) played a pivotal role in this approach.The CMP enables us to create better ads by utilizing templates and integratingAPIs for offers, copy lines, and images, ensuring consistency and quality across a wide range of ad sizes. Additionally, the platform seamlessly integrates with digital ad-serving systems, similar to our Dynamic CreativeOptimization (DCO) program, providing us with greater flexibility and control.
The CMP has also significantly accelerated our workflow. By eliminating redundant steps, we can now create, produce, and traffic ads in less time while managing larger ad libraries that facilitate more efficient testing and faster application of insights across campaigns. Furthermore, this approach enables us to work smarter. By automating repetitive tasks such as asset resizing, our teams are able to devote more time to higher-value activities like concept development and strategy. Ultimately, this shift allows us to deliver more personalized and targeted ads at scale while optimizing efficiency and effectiveness.