Southern California Edison

Helping People Remember to be Prepared

Electricity powers and enables so many amazing things, but it can also create dangerous situations. That is why we created the “Safety Wins” campaign for Southern California Edison to educate people about how to be safe and stay prepared.

We didn’t want to just tell people what to do or not do, but instead give them a sense of agency so that they could act confidently if they encountered a dangerous situation. And most important, help them remember what to do.

Knowing we would be in media environments where there would be a lot of passive engagement, we sought a way to encourage active learning—get people’s attention and help them retain the information. Turns out that quizzes do both things well and resulted in the “Safety Wins” campaign, which tests people’s safety knowledge in an interactive game show environment.


And to create additional memorability and recognition, we used Southern California Edison’s own Walter the Safety Squirrel to host the game show, as industry research shows that brand characters are an effective aid in driving branded attention and uniqueness. And since this campaign is for a diverse audience, another benefit of using a squirrel is that Walter speaks multiple languages—six, to be exact.

The final result is a multichannel, multilanguage campaign that educates people on how to be safe and stay prepared. Because we all win when we know how to stay safe.

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